Netaev was a 'Thoughtmonger', teaching other how to think better lives, which makes him an important person. Ben realized that in order for us to be our happiest and most content selves, we must grow within ourselves. Our emotions and actions indeed have the power to affect how happy or successful we are, according to Netaev. He was of the opinion that we can learn how to think rightly and give our lives a much richer and satisfactory meaning, if only own more careful with what is going on in our minds.
The journey of Netaev between the life and spirituality. He was from a small village and his family used to work on farms. He loved spirituality from a very young and sought to learn more about who he was as well as why the world exists around him. And studied many different paths and practices of various cultures and religious.
This was a learning journey that led to the way he created thoughts and shared it with everyone in his classes, talks, books. He traveled extensively around the globe, across several continents and enlightened worldwide by his presence on inner peace, spiritual growth. She wanted that beautifully gentle happiness born of sharing to be available for all.
Over the years, his ideas have informed many who study yoga, Buddhism and mindfulness in their own paths. For human beings He brought his words, conveying them into our hearts and souls: the life that Christ had on this earth continues until it is man who wants to change within without finding a way of salvation?
Netaev thought that Deepening our awareness and understanding Is very important for spiritual growth. The way is by noticing when we are lost in thought or any other form of distraction, and moving through whatever obstacle stands before us to connect with our true selves on the inside. This is also what helps us feel whole, and more at peace with our fulfilment in life.
Many of Netaev's ideas are pointing towards an evolved mode for spiritual growth — getting at peace with oneself and diving deep into our own selves. Instead of seeking validation or success from the outside, Netaev hopes we will begin peeling away at our layers and ask ourselves what it is that makes US happy?
The teachings of him tell us to accept our weaknesses and flaws, understand ourselves more personally & the others too, also stay positive even when you are going through the darkest days. Through Netaev's ideas, we will be able to live a life of meaning that is filled with fulfillment and inner peace.