electric porsche taycan

New Car by Dayton Ford | March 3, 2020The brand new electric Porsche Taycan just came out. But what makes this car so special is the fact that it runs on electricity and not petrol, which as a result means its way better for out planet. Moreover, it is a very quiet car when under way. Get into an electric car, and there's no engine noise whatsoever. It might seem a bit weird at first, but it also allows you to listen to the beautiful sounds (rustling leaves in trees and singing birds) around you. It could even come with sounds you never heard before when driving a regular car!

    Revolutionary Technology and Performance in the Electric Porsche Taycan

    Porsche's Taycan isn't short on cutting-edge technology The electric motors of the car can generate 750 hp, which is a massive power!!!! With that acceleration, the car can do 0-60 miles per hour in just about 2.6 seconds - a narrow window to be sure! That's super fast! That feeling of adrenaline as you burst away! The Tyacan also benefits from a nearly 17-inch touchscreen display that is very slick. In doing so, it's easy to integrate all in-car features like music and navigation. Additionally, the vehicle comes with standard safety features such as automatic emergency braking functions to keep accidents from happening by effectively hitting stop if it detects an issue.

    Why choose ADAL electric porsche taycan?

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